Hey there. How are you? Good, we hope. We're doing pretty alright. Oh, we haven't met before? Well then let us introduce ourselves. We are Avocado Records. We are from Yorba Linda, CA. We are going to release some music, literature, and other sorts of artsy-fartsy things of friends from the area that we live. We know that there are already tons of record labels, especially because of the internet, and that we will probably be lost within the sea of them all. But that's not really our worry. We are just looking to document the area that we live in and show others that "hey, there area actually some pretty cool things here". This is going to be a pretty small operation, but we are hoping to be releasing as many things as we can. We are fairly nice people, so we'd like to talk to you some more. But yeah, we'll talk more later, okay? Great. Take care.